miércoles, 27 de febrero de 2008

Koharu Biyori


Koharu Biyori
episodios (ovas) 1-3
Romance, Comedia
estreno :October 14
Estudio: Doumu
sinopsis( algo muy vago, pero la serie es muy comica hasta donde pude leer)
Robots tiernos con forma de chicas (Chobits). Dueños obsesivos que las quieren hacer cumplir sus fantasias de otaku…
aca esta el comentario original en ingles :
A unique little show aired yesterday on AT-X it’s a 3 episode OVA with the big R-15 rating stamped on it… it’s the story of a masochistic otaku and his helplessly pragmatic robot maid. Oh boy. Chobits doujin just got animated (no, really, I’m jumping for joy inside).

If you have no idea what I’m talking about, consider these key words: maid, robot, cosplay, lolis, tentacles, nipples, bukkake, waitress, mothercomplex, suckling, ankles, zettai ryouiki. And pretty much anything else you can come up with, including a Dokuro-chan poster. Cuz this show has got it all! The ultimate collection of anime-borne fanservice - and it’s actually kinda funny to boot.

aca les dejo algunas imagenes para deleite visual

parece una buena serie, aver si la toman en cuenta( son solo 3 ovas)¡¡¡¡

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